Current I-690 Syracuse New York Weather Conditions
Weather Report Syracuse
Weather near other cities along I-690 New York
Wednesday 04:34 AM
49° F (Overcast Clouds)
07:00 AM
48° F (Light Rain)
10:00 AM
50° F (Moderate Rain)
01:00 PM
54° F (Light Rain)
04:00 PM
54° F (Light Rain)
07:00 PM
53° F (Overcast Clouds)
10:00 PM
49° F (Moderate Rain)
46° F (Light Rain)
04:00 AM
41° F (Light Rain)
07:00 AM
41° F (Overcast Clouds)
10:00 AM
39° F (Light Snow)
01:00 PM
33° F (Light Snow)
04:00 PM
26° F (Light Snow)
07:00 PM
25° F (Snow)
10:00 PM
27° F (Light Snow)
27° F (Light Snow)
04:00 AM
27° F (Light Snow)
07:00 AM
32° F (Light Snow)
10:00 AM
37° F (Light Snow)
01:00 PM
36° F (Light Snow)
04:00 PM
32° F (Light Snow)
07:00 PM
31° F (Overcast Clouds)
10:00 PM
29° F (Overcast Clouds)
28° F (Broken Clouds)
04:00 AM
27° F (Light Snow)
07:00 AM
28° F (Light Snow)
10:00 AM
31° F (Broken Clouds)
01:00 PM
30° F (Light Snow)
04:00 PM
27° F (Overcast Clouds)
07:00 PM
27° F (Light Snow)
10:00 PM
26° F (Light Snow)
25° F (Overcast Clouds)
04:00 AM
25° F (Overcast Clouds)
07:00 AM
29° F (Overcast Clouds)
10:00 AM
31° F (Light Snow)
01:00 PM
29° F (Overcast Clouds)
04:00 PM
25° F (Broken Clouds)
07:00 PM
25° F (Scattered Clouds)
10:00 PM
24° F (Broken Clouds)
24° F (Light Snow)
04:00 AM
24° F (Overcast Clouds)
Weather News Reports
- source: Bing / on MSN
- Mar 01, 2025 04:02am
Much of the heavy snow that fell in January and February remains on the ground, holding up to 6 to 10 inches of water inside. The combination of melting snow and a soaking rain midweek could lead to ... Read More
More results in our I-690 Syracuse New York Archives
DOT Accident and Construction Reports
TYPE: Construction Serious
TYPE: Construction Serious
TYPE: Construction Serious
Road ClosedRoadwork on FINEVIEW PL both directions at RENWICK AVE (Syracuse), Monday March 3rd,2025 t
TYPE: Construction Serious
Road ClosedNYSDOT - Region 3: bridge work on Spencer St. both directions between N. State St. (Syracu
TYPE: Construction Moderate
TYPE: Construction Serious
Road ClosedNYSDOT - Region 3: roadwork on CANAL ST both directions between WALNUT AVE (Syracuse) and
TYPE: Construction Moderate
TYPE: Construction Serious
TYPE: Miscellaneous Serious
Road ClosedNYSDOT - Region 3: longterm construction on I-81 southbound ramp from Bear Street; NY 298
TYPE: Construction Serious
I-690 New York Weather Conditions Statewide (10 DOT and News Reports)