I-64 Icon Current I-64 Kentucky Traffic Conditions

Length 189mi (Exit 1 to Exit 191)
Normal Travel Time 2 hours 43 mins
Current Travel Time3 hours 5 mins
Expected Delay22 minutes
WeatherClouds Icon Clouds - 31° F - 1 mph wind

I-64 Kentucky Live Traffic Cams

Florence: Alabama Cam Traffic Camera
Florence: Alabama Cam Traffic Cam
Louisville: I-64 - ky1-064-000-4-1 EB Sherman-Minton Lower Deck Traffic Camera
Louisville: I-64 - ky1-064-000-4-1 EB Sherman-Minton Lower Deck Traffic Cam
Louisville: KY I-64: I-64/0.4 WB SHERMAN-MINTON UPPER DECK Traffic Camera
Louisville: KY I-64: I-64/0.4 WB SHERMAN-MINTON UPPER DECK Traffic Cam

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