Traffic Jam on I-40 E
I've been at a standstill for 30 minutes now. No movement whatsoever. Does anyone know what's going on? > reply
TweetPosted 7 years ago by Anonymous 2066 views
Driver: Bad wreak fatalities 7 years ago > REPLY
AC: I've been at standstill for two hours just east of Hazen! 7 years ago > REPLY
Pissedoff: Going on 3 hours now. 7 years ago > REPLY
Stuck: Is Hwy 70 north an option? 7 years ago > REPLY
Melissa: Sitting since 10:13am in eastbound lane 7 years ago > REPLY
Rex: Are they building a bypass around the wreck or what ? 7 years ago > REPLY
Bobdobolina: I'm sorry there was a fatality but I've been here since 10:30. It's time to get this open. 7 years ago > REPLY
Stuck: I see west bound traffic is moving...... 7 years ago > REPLY
Nottrllingyou: Yeah I agree I'm sorry that somebody is dead but you cannot close the freeway because of an accident there's nothing you can do for them sitting more in them time to open it back up. 7 years ago > REPLY
heatherj: I'm west bound. Not moving either. 7 years ago > REPLY
Traveler: What Mike marker is the accident west bound 7 years ago > REPLY
Stuck: West bound is definitely moving south of AR 249 7 years ago > REPLY
Winteriscoming: I've given up all hope. I've already had to resort to eating my own young and abandoning my car. Winter is almost here and I've begun walking to Little Rock on foot 7 years ago > REPLY
Jib: We took hey 70. Was slow but definitely moving 7 years ago > REPLY
heatherj: I've been driving since 1:30 this morning.just need to get to 440. I'm tired, cranky, and have no young to eat. 7 years ago > REPLY
Jib: There was a cop car sitting BEFORE the back up. But did nothing to divert traffic! 7 years ago > REPLY
Traveler: Good ok I-40 7 years ago > REPLY
heatherj: This service sucks. Arkansas is not getting a tip from me today. 7 years ago > REPLY
Indy Dougy: I'm on I-40 eastbound, mile marker ???, Houston bound. What in the wide world of sports is a going on? Really a fatality ahead? If so, hate to hear that. 7 years ago > REPLY
Boppy: Well, I just thank God I'm nit trying to flee the flood. Surely it'll be open soon. 7 years ago > REPLY
Winteriscoming: We are gathering supplies for the long night by mile marker 57. A FedEx driver and myself have began foraging amungst the ditches for scraps. A small hunting party from Ohio left two hours ago to bring back food... I pray for their arrival 7 years ago > REPLY
Indy Dougy: Ha, they ate their young. 7 years ago > REPLY
Winteriscoming: Discouraging news... the hunting party has returned empty handed besides one lone squirrel. I've also heard rumors that a clan by the name of 'U-Haul' has not only been taking up both lanes... but pilaging camps by night. Keep your love ones safe in this dire time; I will be joining the next hunting party in hopes of food for the rest of us 7 years ago > REPLY
My digbuffett: I agree JIB dumb ass cop could have sent us over to 70!. 7 years ago > REPLY
Cdc: Sitting here since 10:30. Had to pee in my yeti cooler. Always wondered what it would be like to sit on a hwy like this? It is bad. Pretty sure my young will eat me first, she's 18. 7 years ago > REPLY
gimi76: lol Cdc 7 years ago > REPLY
Kp119: Help I'm stuck in traffic and I can't get out. 7 years ago > REPLY
Indy Dougy: Winteriscoming we're all going to be following in your footsteps if this traffic doesn't get moving soon. Houston's doing to be dry by the time I get there. 7 years ago > REPLY
Tracey Wilson: Where does traffic start moving? 7 years ago > REPLY
Winteriscoming: I have returned from the hunting party.. we have gathered supplies and can provide shelter to a select few. I also taken a traffic wife and her and I now live in a hollowed out Buick and have began to start our new life 7 years ago > REPLY
Indy Dougy: There has been a person in this traffic since 1030a?!!! Yea, they need to move traffic better than this. THIS causes accidents too. This fatality must be unprecedented. I've never heard of an interstate being close down in Indiana for 4.5 hours. 7 years ago > REPLY
Midwestern Gal: I'm not on the highway but following this for a family member. The wreck isn't even on local news. What the what? 7 years ago > REPLY
Indy Dougy: Lol oh man, a traffic wife. 7 years ago > REPLY
Valc65: I need to catch my flight. What's taking so long. Help!! 7 years ago > REPLY
Winteriscoming: Yes we met while having constant eye contact for the last four hours. Her father traded her to me for a can of soup and some spare gasoline 7 years ago > REPLY
Valc65: Can I call 911? 7 years ago > REPLY
Cdc: We're moving about 3 miles an hour over the white river. There is hope. 7 years ago > REPLY
Indy Dougy: I have some smokes I can spare. What's the going rate? And good thing I know my times tables so I get my comments posted. 7 years ago > REPLY
Tracey Wilson: Trying to catch a flight. Any alternatives? 7 years ago > REPLY
Cdc: Free free free at last! Get over the white river and it opens up. 7 years ago > REPLY
Stuck: Lol!! 7 years ago > REPLY
Stuck: Which direction is moving after the White River?? 7 years ago > REPLY
Big dog901: What mm is the white river 7 years ago > REPLY
Midwestern Gal: Eastbound is open. 7 years ago > REPLY
Brandy: What's up? Thought it was opened? 7 years ago > REPLY
Brandy: What's up? Thought it was opened? 7 years ago > REPLY
Valc65: For those of you who are going east on I40 and you are at a standstill. Your best bet is to get on the shoulder and ride it out. It is clear all the way of the Hazen desire exit. I was just on THE side heading out Memphis of catch a flight. I was sitting in traffic since 1:30 7 years ago > REPLY
Valc65: Get on the shoulder it's clear 7 years ago > REPLY